AI-assisted Knowledge Capture Interface

In our quest to continually evolve AI-assisted knowledge assistants, we're excited to introduce two novel ideas aimed at expanding our repository of knowledge. These initiatives not only promise to deepen our understanding of water and sanitation issues but also offer our community unique opportunities to engage with leading experts. Here we explore the potential of a dedicated Expert Knowledge Capture Interface and an insightful Webinar Series, each designed to harness expert insights for a more informed and responsive system. We use the domain of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) as part of our WASH AI initiative but this can apply to any sub-domain of knowledge or expertise.

1. Expert Knowledge Capture Interface

This structured approach aims to systematically enrich the WASH AI knowledge base with expert insights, ensuring both the depth and breadth of content while maintaining transparency and contributor consent.


Enhance WASH AI with a bot interface for capturing and structuring expert knowledge in the water and sanitation domain.


Expert Interaction:

  • Initiate conversation by identifying the expert's specific domain (e.g., sanitation, climate change impact on water).
  • Encourage experts to share detailed knowledge, experiences, or document references.
  • Allow attachment of documents or reference to specific works by author and title.

Knowledge Structuring:

  • Develop a tool to transform unstructured expert responses into structured content.
  • Automatically categorize the content (opinion, case study, experience, documentation reference).
  • Retrieve and store documents mentioned by experts, tagging and incorporating them into the knowledge base.
  • Content Tagging and Referencing:
    • Assign tags to structured content for easy retrieval.
    • Maintain references to the contributing experts for transparency and source tracing.

User Engagement and Transparency:

  • Provide feedback to contributors on how their information is structured and integrated.
  • Offer options for contributors to edit or remove their input to ensure accuracy and consent.
  • Ensure transparency by allowing contributors to see how their information is used within WASH AI.

Implementation Considerations:

  • Consent and Privacy: Secure explicit consent from experts for using their contributions, with a clear option for withdrawal.
  • Quality Assurance: Implement mechanisms to verify the accuracy and relevance of the captured knowledge.

Potential Enhancements:

  • Expert Discovery: Explore ways to identify and invite potential experts to contribute.
  • Dynamic Knowledge Updating: Allow for the continuous update and refinement of the knowledge base as new information is provided.

2. Expert Webinar Series for Knowledge Capture

This approach not only enriches the WASH AI knowledge base with expert insights but also fosters community engagement and promotes open dialogue on critical WASH topics.


Leverage webinars and fireside chats with experts to capture and structure knowledge for the WASH AI knowledge base.


Webinar Series:

  • Organize webinars focused on specific WASH topics, featuring one-on-one discussions with experts.
  • Consider group webinars if coordination is feasible, to foster a broader exchange of ideas.

Expert Engagement:

  • Invite experts to deep dive into key topics within their domain of expertise.
  • Structure each session around pre-determined questions with room for audience follow-ups.

Public Involvement:

  • Make webinars accessible to the public, allowing immediate engagement.
  • Offer the webinar live for real-time interaction and post the recorded sessions for later access with consent from guests.

Knowledge Capture and Structuring:

  • Record and transcribe webinars to capture the unstructured flow of expert knowledge.
  • Process transcripts to extract and structure key points, insights, and references into the WashAI knowledge base.

Implementation Considerations:

  • Session Length: Aim for a concise 30-minute format to maintain focus and engagement.
  • Audience Interaction: Facilitate audience questions either during or towards the end of the session for dynamic engagement.
  • Content Accessibility: Ensure transcripts and structured content are easily accessible within WASH AI.

Potential Enhancements:

  • Expert Discovery: Utilize these sessions to identify new experts and topics of interest.
  • Knowledge Base Integration: Directly link webinar content with relevant WashAI queries and responses.
  • Interactive Q&A Sessions: Incorporate live Q&A tools during webinars for real-time expert-audience interaction.

If you would like to explore these ideas with us for your own use-case, reach out we would love to chat!